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2011年8月19日 星期五

Ubuntu的Virtual Machine 軟體

VMware, VirtualBox or Xen ...
瀏覽一些網路文章後 多數人認為VirtualBox最容易入手
相容性也比較好 ...

[Q] How to install WindowsXP(guest OS) on Xen?
[Q] How to install Xen on Ubuntu(host OS)?
[Q] Can Xen and VirtualBox be installed on Ubuntu side-by-side?

//=== Digest from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox

VirtualBox can run all versions of Windows, Linux, and many other x86- and AMD/Intel-based 32- and 64-bit operating systems as either a host OS or as a guest OS.

//=== Digest from http://mediakey.dk/~cc/howto-install-windows-xp-vista-on-xen/
Requirements to install XP on Xen (on Debian Etch?)

 * CPU with either Intel’s Vanderpool (IVT – Intel Virtualization Technology) or AMD’s Pacifica Technology (AMD virtualization)
    * Windows iso-image

//=== Digest from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen

To be able to run most of the virtualization software, a new technology in hardware comes it is known as Intel-VT and for AMD machines it AMD-V
How to check whether your computer supports VT or not, run following command for Intel based processors:
grep vmx /proc/cpuinfo

For AMD based processors, run the following command:
grep svm /proc/cpuinfo

To be able to use Xen on your Ubuntu you need to
  1. Compile Xen
  2. Compile a Dom0 Kernel which can work with Xen 。。。』

//=== Digest from http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/010184.html 
I was fed-up of the VMware bloat, it seems to add on far too many services which I just don't want or need.

If you're creating a bunch of linux systems to separate out services (dhcp, mail, web, etc) then xen might be the way to go.
Xen is not like the other things. Basically consider Xen to be a way to virtualize Linux servers on a Linux server;

also found that at this time most of the apps that I wanted on windows are working with Wine, so I stopped running VMs altogether. This all said, I stuck with VirtualBox primarily since it is free and it worked.

found VirtualBox's networking to be a nightmare





