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2014年6月18日 星期三

Windows 8, 如何更改顯示亮度/對比/字型的大小

[Q] How to change font size on Windows8/8.1 ?

* Right-click on desktop  -> Screen resolution ->  Make text and other items larger or smaller
* In the "search control panel" box , type font or display

---> Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display

[Q] How to change LCD monitor/screen contrast/brightness on Windows8/8.1 ??

* contrast --> need driver utility for display chipset such as Intel or NVidia ...
* brightness --> slide to right-bottom corner to  show "Gear" for Settings
   -> Change PC settings -> brightness

2014年6月6日 星期五

haxe tutorial+3 , haxe3, neko, haxelib

//=== new haxe3 webpage

//=== old haxe webpage

//=== download haxe3 windows binaries

0. unzip and move folder haxe3.1.3 to haxe\

1. create symbolic directory link [ require admin privilege]
    F:\sandbox\haxe> mklink /D haxepath haxe-3.1.3
    (haxepath is the symbolic link pointing to the actual folder haxe-3.1.3)

2. add F:\sandbox\haxe\haxepath to environmental Path

3. create haxe3lib folder under haxe\
   > haxelib setup
   enter the lib path :  F:\sandbox\haxe\haxe3lib

//=== haxelib setup
uncaught exception - std@module_read
--> haxelib.exe still needs dll from the newer neko,

//=== where to download neko

download neko-2.0.0 windows binaries
0. unzip  move folder neko-2.0.0 to haxe\
1. create symbolic directory link [ require runas admin ]
    F:\sandbox\haxe> mklink /D nekopath  neko-2.0.0

2. add F:\sandbox\haxe\nekopath to environmental Path

//=== using haxelib

Eclipse ADT update tips


 Android SDK更新後, Eclipse 啟動時出現錯誤訊息
"location of the android SDK has not been setup in the preferences"
--> Eclipse 的 ADT 版本是舊的, 需要更新 ADT Plug-in

ADT: Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

//===  http --> https
Window->Preferences->Install/Update -> Available Software Sites --> "ADT Plugin"  -->

//=== Help -> Install New Software
Uncheck “Contact all update sites during install to find required software”

//=== download the ADT zip file to local machine and manually install it:
 1 .Download the ADT Plugin zip file (do not unzip it):
 2. Start Eclipse, then Help --> Install New Software.
 3. Click Add, in the top-right corner.
 4. In the Add Repository dialog, click Archive.
 5. Select the downloaded ADT-22.6.0.zip file and click OK.
