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2009年12月25日 星期五

How to tile fill a shape with another shape in Flash CS3?

[Q] How to tile fill a shape with another shape?

How to fill a shape with bmp in Flash CS3?

[Q] How to fill a shape with bmp in Flash CS3?

  • shift+F9 or Window --> Color to show the color control panel
  • the fill color selection within the "toolbox" and "properties" panel does not provide Bitmap fill option

[Q] 如何在Flash CS3中使用Bitmap Fill?

  • 按下shift+F9 或者 從主選單上 Window --> Color 將 color control panel 顯示出來

how to index text files of different encodings?

//=== txt files of utf-8/big5how to index? [Q] There are lots of text files to be indexed for search. Some of them are big5-encoded, some are utf8-encoded and some are ansi-encoded, etc.
How to index such files?

2009年12月17日 星期四

How to export blogspot articles??

[Q] How to export blogspot articles??

0. Login Blogger first.

1. Click Export Blog from the Settings Basic tab.

2. Finally, click the Export Blog button. You blog will be stored as a .xml file.



HPw185 LCD monitor 液晶螢幕的音量調整?

[Q] HPw185 LCD monitor 液晶螢幕的音量調整?

按螢幕右下角的 "-" 按鈕就會顯示OSD(on-screen display)的音量調整圖示
再按 "+" 或 "-" . 按右下角的"Menu" 按鈕就可離開.

[Q] How to adjust the volume of HPw185 LCD monitor?

[A] Press "-" button on the right bottom corner of the monitor.
The OSD will pop out on the screen. Then press "+" or "-" to increase/decrease the volume.
To exit the volume adjustment, press "Menu" button.

2009年12月9日 星期三

如何在UltradEdit Copy Hex Number?

  • You can use "HEX Copy Selected View" under HEX Functions in the Edit menu to do this.
  • Write a script
    if (UltraEdit.outputWindow.visible == false) { UltraEdit.outputWindow.showWindow(true);}
    var rsltStr = UltraEdit.getString("target string to find",1);


2009年12月5日 星期六

gmail 在ie8 用起來常會卡住

gmail 在ie8 用起來常會卡住 明明信箱裡只有兩三封信


  • Unable to load GoogleMail on IE 8.
  • Gmail doesn'tload properly until clicking view in basic HTML.
  • Even after adding gmail in "Compatibility View" List, the gmail page does not display correctly.
  • No problem when accessing Gmail by Firefox 3.5



start IE8 (WinXP SP3) in the "No Add-ons mode" by



[try3] 在以下兩種情況測試IE8:


  • Check the installed anti-virus application or security suite to see whether it is supported in IE8.
  • Check the anti-spyware applications and third-party firewall.
  • 安裝IE8時, 上述這些資安程式是否也正在執行?


2009年12月4日 星期五

檔案改名 rename file

在視窗圖形介面的檔案總管 按滑鼠右鍵 無法將 .htaccess.bak 改回 .htaccess

>rename ".htaccess.bak" ".htaccess"

2009年11月29日 星期日

PCI, PCI-X, PCI-E and PCI 2.2 again

PCI: Peripheral Component Interconect.

  • PCI-X可能可以向下相容33MHz PCI32的界面卡 ... 
  • PCI-E跟PCI-X/PCI是不相容的???
  • PCI的插槽長度約 8.5 cm
  • PCI-X的插槽長度最長
  • PCI 64-bit 介面卡安裝到 PCI 32-bit 的插槽內 還能正常運作
  • 反之未必?
  • 32-Bit/66MHz PCI 2.2 介面卡 可工作於66MHz或33MHz, 
  • 支援66MHz其電壓必定要工作在3.3V.
  • 新的PCI 64bit 一般支援3.3V
  • "插不進去別硬插就是"

//=== 傳統的PCI
* PCI 1.0, which was merely a component-level specification, was released on June 22, 1992.
* PCI 2.0, which was the first to establish standards for the connector and motherboard slot, was released on April 30, 1993.
* PCI 2.1, released on June 1, 1995, allows for 66 MHz signaling at 3.3 volt signal voltage (peak transfer rate of 533MB/s), but at 33 MHz both 5 volt and 3.3 volt signal voltages are still allowed. It also added transaction latency limits to the specification.
* PCI 2.2 Power rails to provide 3.3 volt supply voltage are now mandatory.

* PCI 2.3 permits use of 3.3 volt and universal keying, but does not allow 5 volt keyed add in cards.

# PCI 3.0 is the final official standard of the bus, completely removing 5-volt capability.
# Mini PCI is a form factor of PCI 2.2 for use mainly inside laptops
# CardBus is a PC card form factor for 32-bit, 33 MHz PCI
# CompactPCI uses Eurocard-sized modules plugged into a PCI backplane.
# PC/104-Plus is an industrial bus that uses the PCI signal lines with different connectors.


//=== nVidia nforce3
"... Integrates a fast PCI-to-PCI bridge running at 33 MHz. It includes an arbiter that supports six external master PCI slots. Features of the PCI interface include:
    • PCI 2.3-compliant, 5 V tolerant???
    • Supports six external PCI slots at 33 MHz
    • Supports six bus master arbitration
    • PCI master and slave interfaces
    • Supports both master-initiated and slave-initiated terminations
    • Bidirectional write posting support for concurrency
    • Flexible routing of all four PCI interrupts
    • Supports read ahead: memory read line (MRL) and memory read multiple (MRM)


2009年11月19日 星期四

HyperV 如何增加smart card reader, speaker, ...

[Q] HyperV 如何增加smart card reader, speaker, ...?
要如何才能讓Virtual Machine "發聲" 呢?
要如何才能讓Virtual Machine 可以使用 WebATM 呢?

2009年11月16日 星期一

SG33G5 浩鑫XPC的音效問題

安裝了針對Vista的audio driver後,
在Device Manager 出現兩個音效裝置
  • High Definition Audio Device [HDMI]
  • Realtek high definition audio [SPDIF]

執行 Realtek HD audio manager, Analog BackPanel/FrontPanel


執行Sound, Speaker 那一列也是disabled


按下Analog BackPanel右上角的黃色圖案(Connector Settings)

在"Disable front panel jack plugin detection" 打勾


2009年11月8日 星期日

IE8 無法在blogspot的網頁上Copy/Paste

IE8, WinXP SP3,
cannot copy/paste from notepad to blogspot's post, why?

Tools -> Compatibility View Settings ->
  • Add blogspot.com or other websites you need to the list
  • Check "Display all websites in compatibility view"


Flashnode and AmfPhp for Drupal

Flashnode : a drupal module to ease the placement of swf file into the contents

Amfphp source files: server side main program to help creating RIA(rich interactive action)
Amfphp plug-in files: plug-in shell to embed the Amfphp source files into the "Services" module

Services : a drupal module for web services related tasks

..\services\servers\amfphp :plug-in files
..\services\servers\amfphp\amfphp : source files

"Flash with drupal," by Travis Tidwell, [Packt], 2009

2009年11月7日 星期六

MingLiu and @MingLiu for Putty


選擇Use Font Encoding



用mysqldump 備分mysql資料庫
原本備份檔案的大小為 1730kb

今天的備份檔案大小卻變成 1400kb



WinXP notepad hang住, 沒反應


第一個打開的notepad 於按下Save/SaveAs
滑鼠變成等待的鐘型 然後就hang住了

第二個打開的notepad 於按下Save/SaveAs數分鐘後



2009年10月31日 星期六

HyperV的Virtual Network Adapter

HyperV的Virtual Network Adapter 分三類
External: 會透過底層實體的網路卡連到其他實體的網路(Lan or Wan)
Internal: 不與底層實體的網路卡連通 僅能與其他的virtual network adapter 相通信
Private:自成一國 只能透過 hyperVManager 來操作??

避免使用 legacy adapter

//=== virtual network adapter configuration applying
apply, ok,
then restart win2k8 to get the consistency between
network connection management and ipconfig /routing service

2009年10月27日 星期二

Jpeg, Jpeg/Exif, Jpeg/Jfif, JIF

Digest of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG

"... JPEG/Exif is the most common image format used by digital cameras ...;
... JPEG/JFIF, is the most common format for the World Wide Web.
... simply called JPEG "

original Jpeg file format: 'JPEG Interchange Format' (JIF)
"... this "pure" file format is rarely used, primarily because of the difficulty of programming encoders and decoders that fully implement all aspects of the standard and because of certain shortcomings of the standard...

" ... In practice, most JPEG files in Exif format contain a small JFIF header that precedes the Exif header. This allows older readers to correctly handle the older format JFIF header, while newer readers also decode the following Exif header. ... "

"Syntax and structure

A JPEG image consists of a sequence of segments, each beginning with a marker,
each of which begins with a 0xFF byte followed by a byte indicating what kind of marker it is.

Some markers consist of just those two bytes; others are followed by two bytes indicating the length of marker-specific payload data that follows ... "

"... A freely-available tool called packJPG[10] is based on the 2007 paper "Improved Redundancy Reduction for JPEG Files." There are also at least two companies selling proprietary tools with similar capabilities, Infima's JPACK[11] and Smith Micro Software's StuffIt,[12] both of which claim to have pending patents on their respective technologies.[13][14] ...


Jpeg SOI / EOI marker

Jpeg SOI marker: 0xFF, 0xD8

"... SOI is the start of image marker and always contains the marker code values FFh D8h. "

Jpeg EOI marker: 0xFF, 0xD9


2009年10月24日 星期六

如何避免Office Word 一直出現安裝的訊息?

[Q] 如何避免Office Word 一直出現安裝的訊息?


Add a DWORD named NoRereg with value 1 to


2009年10月18日 星期日

網路上的芳鄰 檔案分享 也受到VPN time-out的影響?

[Q] 網路上的芳鄰 檔案分享 也受到VPN time-out的影響?
當複製較大的檔案(8MB)時 會出現網路位置/名稱失效的訊息

2009年10月16日 星期五

Bitdefender warning about malware

[Q] There is always the warning "You have never scanned your computer for malware" in Bitdefender even if i already press fix to scan, why?



"The only way to get rid of warning is to not monitor the item."???

"... even though I have manually run scans that I have defined and created, I still have the red exclamation point on my tray icon, and the application highlights that "You have never scanned your computer for malware" - even though I have. This is really annoying... "[enetprof, Jan 10 2009]

" ...
1) Reinstalled and when it asked whether to disable windows defender I did (didn't do that
the first time).
2) Disabled windows defeder service
3) When installing logged in as admin.
4) After installing ran the initial scan until complete.
5) After product was working I setup windows defender again and set it to not monitor bitdefender.
6) Changed services (windows defender to automatic and set defender to start on startup
7) Changed services for all bitdefender to automatic, except threat scanner which I cannot (complains of
error code says that it is configured to run as a different security id).

After this all seemed to work well, just make sure that all bitdefender services are automatic otherwise it will not start up properly and will complain that services are not activated.
" [ by mvismer, Dec 23 2008 ]

2009年10月14日 星期三


0. 執行Regedit (Run as Administrator)
1. 選擇 (Highlight) "Computer"(這樣才會把整機所有的Registry備份下來)
2. Menubar -> File -> Export
3. 一般來說 檔案大小約500MB , Export到硬碟所需時間約十秒內(PentiumIII 以上等級的電腦)


[Q] 如何備份Outlook?

[Q] 如何備份Outlook 連絡人?

[A] 匯入匯出沒錯 選擇匯出檔案 再選Windows CSV 格式
*** 不過要注意 要更改欄位對應 一方面刪減不需要的欄位

2009年10月12日 星期一

Vista 資料夾取消分享後 無法更名?

[Q] Vista 資料夾取消分享後 無法更名?

[...] 經過關機以及一個晚上的休息 隔天自然好了
there must be some timeout/cache setting about fileSharing/network connection

2009年10月8日 星期四

VPN斷線後 無法再連線?

[Q] XP 當作VPN client 連到遠端VPNServer , 斷線後 無法再連線的原因為何?
必須登出 重新登入後 才能再連線?

How to keep vpn alive?

[Q] How to keep vpn connection alive?
[Q] 如何使VPN持續連線 不致因 timeout 而中斷?

0. write a program to continuously send ping packet?

2009年10月7日 星期三

"Wake On Lan" needs "Restore on AC power loss"?

[Q] "Wake On Lan" needs "Restore on AC power loss"?


SkypeIn/Out, 遠傳070

070 轉接的費用?

電腦當機 如何處理?

[Q] 電腦當機 如何處理?


0. 看能否重新開機 如果可以 趕快備份重要資料 Registry, email, Work documents, code, ...
0.1 清理灰塵
0.2 檢查Power cable, RAM, Video card, 是否接觸不良?

1. 設法找出當機的元凶

* Power
* HD
* Video card
* Motherboard


Ghost 備份到一半 機器當掉怎麼辦?

[Q] Ghost 備份到一半 機器當掉怎麼辦?
Partition 約有35GB 的資料
選擇 fast 壓縮
已經燒了兩張 8.5G的DVD-R
第二張燒完時 螢幕顯示還有約8GB的資料待備份
能否補救? 只要再燒最後那8GB的部分?


2009年10月2日 星期五

vpn disconnect due to time-out and cannot reconnect

[Q] In Windows XP, vpn disconnect due to time-out and cannot reconnect?


How to remove advertisement from windows live messenger?

[Q] How to remove advertisement from windows live messenger?

2009年10月1日 星期四

SWF Fixed point number format

SWF Fixed point number format:
Fixed: 16.16
Fixed8: 8.8
FB(n): n.n

M : number of bits for magnitude (integer part), including one sign bit(msb)
F: number of bits for fractional part

S1, POS, S3, STR

S1= POS = Power On Suspend
S3= STR = Suspend To RAM

2009年9月30日 星期三

省電Tip: 功率因子(功率因數)補償

??? 家用電器中比較大型的電感式負載有冷氣機 冰箱 洗衣機 電風扇 抽風機的馬達
電鍋 烤箱 吹風機的加熱線圈;

??? 電容式負載有各式的變壓器 電源供應器 蓄電池 ...???

??? 電感式負載需配合電容來提高功率因數以增加用電效率
??? 電容式負載則需配合電感來提高功率因數

" Linear loads with low power factor (such as induction motors) can be corrected with a passive network of capacitors or inductors."


2009年9月28日 星期一


[Q] 如何讓電腦自動開機?

timer + power-on trigger setup in BIOS

BIOS 的 Power Managment Setup
  Reset On AC Power Loss 設為
  • On: 只要有供電,機器就會一直保持在開機狀態
  • Off:
  • Prev:


  • 通話期間莫名奇妙聽不到聲音
  • 撥通之後 不到十秒就斷線
  • 無法開機
  • 電池充不飽

  • SIM卡接觸不良
  • 電容冷焊
  • 電容故障
  • 電池壽終

2009年9月20日 星期日

Swf Float16 and Half precison

16bit float:
  • 1 bit for the sign
  • 5 bits for the exponent, with an exponent bias of 16???
  • 10 bits for the mantissa.


IEEE 754 half precision binary floating-point format: binary16

  • 1 bit for the sign
  • 5 bits for the exponent, with an exponent bias of 15
  • 10 bits for the mantissa. (11 bits of precision --> 1.mantissa)

2009年9月11日 星期五

Picasa foto to Gtalk

Picasa foto album sharing
  • only for Google Talk Gadget
  • not available for desktop Google Talk yet


" ...
--> 250 + 69*n = 800 --> n ~~ 8

Mobile01 威寶3G日租型上網讓你用一天付3000!!

各家也都有一日租,短租型的。 爬文就能看到了。 ... 但設定複雜,各家都有陷阱, 萬一哪個通道沒開,還是走錯

如果真只有半年,你所在的地方,如果威寶能給你穩定3.5G的速度,(即超過384Kbps),你可以考慮買1.8M的二手網卡。如果威寶只有3G,甚至少於300Kpbs( 40K上下),Y拍上華為 E612的卡500塊就有了。


無法開機 無嗶聲 無顯示 鍵盤無反應 NumLock不會亮


  • 無法開機
  • 無嗶聲
  • 無顯示
  • 鍵盤無反應 NumLock不會亮
  • PowerButton 按四秒以上 電源未切斷
  • BIOS 沒起來?
  • 電源正常
  • CPU風扇正常
  • 機殼風扇正常


  • 關機 拔掉電源線
  • 重插顯示卡
  • 重插DRAM
  • 更換CMOS 電池



  • Cannot start computer
  • No beep
  • No display
  • No response from keyboard
  • No light when pressing NumLock
  • Cannot turn off after pressing PowerButton more than 4 seconds
  • BIOS seems not started
  • Power seems OK
  • CPU fan runs normally
  • Chassis fan runs normally


  • Power off
  • Unplug the power cord
  • Replug the video card
  • Replug DRAM
  • Replug CMOS battery

2009年9月8日 星期二

How to disable a certain update in Vista?

[Q] How to disable a certain update in Vista?
[Q] 在Vista的Windows Update中, 如何抑制某些不想安裝的update (例如 IE8), 避免其重複出現?

[Sol] View available updates -> Highlight/Select the target update -> right-click -> Hide update

How to assciate file extension to a specific application?

[Q] How to assciate file extension to a specific application?

[Q] How to achieve that when double-click a file with extension name, say ".pdf",
it can be opened by the program written by ourselves?

[Q] 如何讓某種類型的檔案與應用程式相關聯?
例如用滑鼠雙擊pdf檔案時 能夠用自己寫的程式將其自動開啟?

How to show call stack in Visual Studio?

[Q] How to show "call stack" window in Visual Studio?

[Sol] Debug -> Windows -> call stack

"Immediate Window" : Debug -> Windows -> Immediate

2009年9月6日 星期日

vs_setup.msi can not be opened

[Q] When trying to uninstall VS2005 from "Programs and Features",
message "vs_setup.msi can not be opened" popped out.


2009年9月3日 星期四


S/PDIF: Sony/Philips Digital Interconnect Format

SPDIF : Sony Philips Digital Interconnect Format

Digital audio interfaces:




"S/PDIF specifies a Data Link Layer protocol and choice ...
carrying digital audio signals between devices and stereo components over either optical or electrical cable.

The name stands for Sony/Philips Digital Interconnect Format ...


2009年8月31日 星期一

BitDefender Antivirus 2009

[Q] BitDefender Antivirus 2009 critical warning because
"You have never scan your computer for malware" ?

[Q] After I pressed "Fix", it became green, but the next day when i i turned on the computer,
the warning appear red again.

How to copy the text of messagebox?

[Q] How to copy the text of messagebox pop out by Windows?

2009年8月28日 星期五

How to make UltraEditor not to automatically convert '\n' to "\r\n"?

[Q] How to make UltraEditor not to automatically convert '\n' to "\r\n"?
[Q] How to make UltraEditor not to automatically convert LF to CR+LF?
[Q] 如何抑制 UltraEditor 將LF( line feed, \n, 0A )自動轉換成CR+LF(carriage return + line feed, \r\n, 0D0A)?

  • Reload the target document in Hex mode.
  • 在 Hex 模式下 重新載入想開啟的文件

2009年8月23日 星期日

How to install windows media player in windows server 2008

[Q] How to install windows media player 11 in windows server 2008?
[Q] How to activate windows media player 11 in windows server 2008?
[Q] 如何啟動 windows server 2008 中的 windows media player 11 ?

  • Windows media player 11 is included in server 2008
  • No need to download it
  • Enable "Desktop Experiance" by "Add Features" in Server Manager/Features(need to restart OS)
  • Change Default Audio device to the proper one by "Sound"/Playback/Recording in Control Panel
  • Windows media player 11已經內含於 server 2008 , 毋須額外下載
  • 啟動 "Desktop Experiance" , Server Manager -> Features -> "Add Features", 需要重新開機
  • 設定恰當的預設音效裝置, Control Panel-> "Sound" -> Playback/Recording

2009年7月20日 星期一

net send in Vista

//=== Vista Ultimate provides "msg.exe"
C:\Windows\system32>msg /?
Send a message to a user.

MSG {username | sessionname | sessionid | @filename | *}
[/SERVER:servername] [/TIME:seconds] [/V] [/W] [message]

username Identifies the specified username.
sessionname The name of the session.
sessionid The ID of the session.
@filename Identifies a file containing a list of usernames,
sessionnames, and sessionids to send the message to.
* Send message to all sessions on specified server.
/SERVER:servername server to contact (default is current).
/TIME:seconds Time delay to wait for receiver to acknowledge msg.
/V Display information about actions being performed.
/W Wait for response from user, useful with /V.
message Message to send. If none specified, prompts for it
or reads from stdin.

  • msg user1 "this is a test"

Windows Vista 與 Windows server 2008 皆不支援 Messenger service。
須找3rd Party Tool?

Net send is not support in Vista and Windows Server 2008.
To use the text messaging service, need to find 3rd-party tools.


2009年7月15日 星期三

How to avoid replace prev files on mutlisession DVD ?

[Q] How to avoid replace prev files on mutlisession DVD when burning ?

[Q] 燒錄光碟時 如何避免取代 mutlisession DVD既有的檔案?

[A] Nero has the "replace files in compilation" option in BurningROM edition
but not in Express edition. So ...

System Error 85 for Windows

"System error 85 has occurred. The local device name is already in use" error message

"... For example, running the following sequence of commands in a logon script
net use r: /d
net use r: \\servername\share
net use r: /d
net use r: \\servername\share
The behavior does not occur for users with administrative privileges.

"... This error message persists for the particular drive letter in that particular Terminal Services session.
The same drive letter for other Terminal Services sessions may work as expected.
A different drive letter that is not typically used also works as expected.
The only way to correct the issue is to restart the Terminal Services-based system."

"...map network drives in a logon script via
Net use: \\server\folder /persistent:yes command.

After the first logon, the next consecutive logons prompt System error 85.
Is there a better way to re-map drives on each Logon?


2009年7月14日 星期二

USB keyboard

[Q] 有些USB鍵盤要安裝一堆驅動程式 開機時常抓不到 ?

買陽春 便宜 功能單純(沒有一些額外的功能鍵) 的就好

其實一直覺得 Number Pad用不著 移掉的話可以省1/3的空間
Windows Start key 雖然方便 但大部分的設計卡在Ctl 與Alt附近 


[Q] Some usb keyboards need installing many drivers to work due to the HID function. Those HID keyboards usually consume more power and often not recognized during boot ...

[try] Find a simple/cheap keyboard with the basic/fundamental function. No need of HID.

2009年7月10日 星期五

How to make Nero not to associate folder in DVD with HD?

[Q] 如何使Nero在燒錄mulit-session CD/DVD時 不要自動作檔案及目錄的同步動作

How to enable microphone boost in windows xp/vista

[Q] 如何啟動麥克風 Boost ?
Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices ->
Audio -> playback/recording/midi, select recording->
Volume -> Microphone -> Advanced->
check the "Microphone Boost"

2009年7月7日 星期二

OnScreen Keyboard within Ease of Access

[Q] How to start OnScreen Keyboard ?

StartMenu -> All programs -> Accessories -> Ease of Access -> On-Screen keyboard
Control Panel -> Ease of Access Center

[Q] 如何啟動螢幕小鍵盤?

啟始選單 -> 全部的程式 -> 附屬應用程式 -> Ease of Access(易取用?) -> 螢幕小鍵盤
控制台 -> 易取用中心

Simple, Unified way to backup

[Q] A simple, unified way to back up data?
0. gather data into a common place("data center")
1. automatically filter/zip/burn
2. log file sent to user automatically

keypoint: automatically, simple for user

2009年6月28日 星期日

cat5, cat5e, cat6 4p UTP 網路線與RJ-45接頭

cat5: <= 100Mbps
cat5e: <= 1Gbps, 100m
cat6 : <= 1Gbps, 100m

cat6的接頭及線材的價格 都比 cat5e高出許多

如果網路線長度大於50M,請用Cat6 [ 3M比較好夾,AMP需要特殊工具夾]
如果長度都小於50M,建議頭用 Cat5e的,網路線用大同或是太平洋電纜的cat5就不錯用。3m內的短線,建議買cat6現成的,一條百元上下就買得到了。


2009年6月27日 星期六


剛開始看到網路上廣告LED TV 還以為是打錯字了
仔細看看 才發現LED TV 其實也是LCD TV(液晶電視)


SDTV, HDTV, HiHD, 1080i, 1080p 分別

HiHD: 公共電視的頻道名稱
SDTV: 標準式數位電視, 分480i/480p
HDTV: 高解析數位電視, 分720p/1080i/1080p

p的垂直掃描頻率: 60Hz
i的垂直掃描頻率: 30Hz (interlaced, interleaved)

"... 公視 HiHD 這個無線數位頻道將以 1920×1080/60i 格式播出,並採用時下最熱門的 H.264/MPEG-4 壓縮技術, 再透過無線地面波進行數位廣播。1920x1080i 已經遠遠超過目前的 DVD 品質(720x480) ..."


2009年6月23日 星期二

How to make non-admin user to install new hardware?

[Q] How to make non-administrator user to install new hardware in Windows XP?

0. make the non-admin user be a member of Administrators group first
1. install the hardware/software
2. remove the non-admin user from the Administrators group

2009年6月21日 星期日

google earth 與 google map 的差異

Google Map: 2D, UI by browsere,

Google Earth: 3D, UI by Windows Application,

[Q] 在Windows 用IE 連上 google map, 顯示地圖需要的權限 一定要 Administrator?




2009年6月19日 星期五

WinXP User account type

XP 的使用者帳戶管理點進去 種類只有Administrator 與 Limited兩種
該如何將Limited 使用者帳戶 轉為一般使用者帳戶 或是PowerUser?

--> 在管理工具下 -> 使用者與群組
WinXP User account type:

[Q] How to change user account to power user, user, ...?
[sol] Use "Administrative Tools" -> Users and Groups, add the user to the desired group you like.

GoogleMap figure not shown after IE7 update

[Symptom] after applying IE7 security update
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP (KB969897),
GoogleMap 's figure become 'x'

[Configuration] WinXP SP3, limited user account

[病徵] 更新IE7 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP (KB969897)
GoogleMap 只剩文字顯示 圖形的部分都不見了

[try] use administrator to log on, visit GoogleMap, works normally.
Promote the limited user account to administrator and it works.

2009年6月4日 星期四

PTT BBS 入門 20090604

[Q] 文章前的~ , +, 小寫m, 大寫M的意思?
[Q] X, % 的差別?有時是推 有時是 ->(備註)?
[Q] 在文章列表中 X 與進入該篇文章後 X的差別?

2009年5月31日 星期日

PTT BBS 入門 20090531

小寫s 搜尋看板名稱
eg. s + "poem" -> 詩板

lowercase s , enter
then input the partial name of the target board, space

在最愛Favorite裡按a 加入英文板名即可


ctrl+u 查詢目前板上有哪些人

OGC == hand job???

用s搜尋看板後 如何加入最愛?

PTT可以上傳照片嗎? 怎麼看到別人上傳的照片呢?

2009年5月30日 星期六


[Q]用 IE(Windows Media Player?) 聽CNN很小聲的原因? 怎麼克服?

[try] 有三個地方可以調音量
  • IE畫面中的Windows Media Player(我開到最大)
  • 桌面工作列的音量調整(我開到90%)
  • 硬體喇叭的音量旋鈕(我開到4~5)
There are three places to adjust the volume
  • Windows Media Player panel within the IE window(I turn to the highest)
  • Tray icon on the toolbar of Desktop(I turn to 90%)
  • Volume screw of the speaker(I turn to 4~5)

2009年5月11日 星期一

Windows XP CPU reach 99%

[Q] How to avoid CPU overloaded over 99% in WindowsXP?

[try] (for application using port 445 such as WLM, Windows Live Messenger?)
1. regedit> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Services>lanmanserver

2. add DWORD value: Maxworkitems
if(RAM< 512MB)
set value: 256
set value: 1024

3. restart computer

[ref] http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/tylarou/article?mid=482&sc=1

2009年5月7日 星期四

Web msn messenger 's limitation

Web msn messenger does not support voice chat.
Web msn messenger 不支援語音通訊

Google talk web version seeems to support voice chat.

2009年4月24日 星期五

Google Talk and firewall

[Q] gtalk installed successfully but cannot connect to google service?


  • chk windows firewall setting (although gtalk installation will automatically change firewall setting to allow gtalk to pass in the normal case)
  • chk IP router firewall setting

My Vigor2910's object/group CSM set block rule to prevent google talk, web msn, yahoo messenger, ... only msn and skype are allowed

Windows messenger v4.7 and v2009

Windows messenger v4.7 and v2009 cannot talk to each other,
only text chat is available.

舊版的msn messenger(v4.7, 2004) 無法與新版的Windows Live Messenger(v2009)作語音通訊

[2009-04-23, Experiment result with ANo]

2009年4月19日 星期日

用非hotmail的帳號 登入msn/WLM messenger

  • step1, Go to http://www.passport.net/
  • step2, 找出位於 "Use an Email Address You Already Have" 的
    "Get Started Now" link, 按下去
    到你使用的email信箱 找出Microsoft Windows Live ID 寄出的確認信
    [注意: gmail, yahoo 可能會把Microsoft的確認信歸類成垃圾郵件]

  • step3, 用剛才的 email信箱及新的密碼登入 msn messenger, 更改顯示名稱,
    msn messenger 不允許用email信箱當顯示名稱

How to share an audio device between many messenger applications?

[Q] How to share an audio device between many messenger applications,
like msn/skype/gtalk?

[Q] 如何讓msn, skype 使用同一組麥克風/喇叭 共存 ?

[thinking] must sacrifice sth, let the audio device be tied to the most recently active messenger application, that is, the backgnd one cannot have sound alert out.

當msn或skype進行通話時 如何自動改變狀態圖示?

[Q] 當msn或skype進行語音通話時 如何自動改變狀態圖示為Busy/NA?
[Q] How to change the status to busy/NA when talking to the other person?


2009年4月14日 星期二

Windows Vista 如何設定索引(Index)?

[Q] 如何針對 Windows Vista 的某個目錄索引(Index)以加速搜尋?
[Q] How to index a certain folder of Vista to make search more quickly?

folder -> Properties -> General -> Advanced -> check the "Index this folder for faster searching"

2009年4月8日 星期三

用Silverlight2 做廣告

先下載 Silverlight Advertising Creation Kit


A Tip to find samples in Silverllight 2 documentation

"... The best way to find the samples in the Silverlight 2 documentation is to do a search on 'run this sample'.


[ref] http://blogs.msdn.com/silverlight_sdk/

2009年4月2日 星期四

Vista Remote Desktop 限制連入的IP

Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
-> InBound Rules
-> Remote Desktop(Tcp-In)
-> Scope
-> Remote IP address

Windows Live Messenger 2009 吃掉 99% CPU!

Windows Live Messenger 2009 吃掉 99% CPU!
[CPU PIII 600MHz, RAM256M]
WLM2009 constantly consumes >90% of CPU time,
the peak traffic may consume upto 99%.
The memory usage is about 71 MBytes.

Why, is it the nature of real-time application or
something bad in design?

Skype consumes upto 70% while consuming 40% on average ;
How about gtalk and old version msn messenger?

2009年3月27日 星期五

Windows Live Messenger 如何掛斷

[Q] Windows Live Messenger 如何掛斷?
快速鍵 ALT+Q
對話視窗內 EndCall(結束通話?) Link
按 MenuBar 上 Video(視訊?)/Call(語音?)

2009年3月26日 星期四

MSN messenger 版本

old msn messenger
Windows Live Messenger V8.5 正式版
Windows Live Messenger 9.0 搶鮮版
Windows Live Messenger 2009

WLM Discussion Link

2009年3月25日 星期三

msn Live Messenger 未支援多方語音通話?

[Q] msn Live Messenger 未支援多方語音通話?
[Q] Those who are not in the contact list may send IM to you?

Skype 支援多人語音聊天
MSN Messenger 支援多人文字聊天,
google talk並無多方通話的功能

[ref] oasis.csie.ntu.edu.tw/2007_spring_ss/slides/28

2009年3月22日 星期日


彎彎與卯卯: emoticons' author
卯卯來自北京?( 王卯卯 Tuski)

2009年3月19日 星期四

How to change msn password?

[Q] How to change msn password?

[try] login into window live/hotmail,
over the right top , there is a drop-down button for options
-> more options -> personal info

右上角 有一個"選項" 按下後 選"更多選項"
-->檢視和編輯您的個人資訊 --> 密碼 變更

Web version of Windows live messenger not available any more?

[Q] Web version of Windows live messenger not available anymore?

google search webmessenger --> http://webmessenger.msn.com/
but cannot connect to it successfully

My Vigor2910 CSM set block rule to prevent google talk, web msn, yahoo messenger, ...
only msn and skype are allowed

RegExp in Flash AS3

在[ref] pp.129 - 133 介紹了 AS3的 RegExp class, 很簡明.

var re: RegExp = /\sAct/ig;
表示以空白(\s)開始 接著act的string pattern,
/ig 代表case insensitive and global search

var s: string="林新德-Flash CS3 ActionScript 3.0";
re.exec(s) 搜尋字串s中符合re的子字串

[ref] 林新德-Flash CS3 ActionScript 3.0應用程式設計, 博碩文化

2009年3月14日 星期六

硬碟嘰磯作響 HD running noise at Windows XP

檢查硬碟可用空間 剩下600MBytes
0. 刪除不必要的檔案 騰出200MB 聊勝於無
1. 取消 System Restore point[My Computer -> System Restore]
2. 減少Virtual Memory, 1G --> 512M, 騰出512MB
3. 刪除C:\Windows\$NtUninstallKBxxxx$
4. 將Windows自動更新調整為通知而非自動下載
5. Control Panel -> Performance And Maintenance -> Visual effects -> best performance
6. 別裝 XP SP3

Again, HD keeps running noisily when WinXP starts!
Chk the free space of HD, only 600MBytes is remained:

0. delete unnecessary files from myDocument and temp dir, release 200MB
1. disable System Restore point[My Computer -> System Restore]
2. reduce virtual memory from 1G to 512M, release 512M
3. delete C:\Windows\$NtUninstallKBxxxx$
4. change Automatic Update from download to notify
5. Control Panel -> Performance And Maintenance -> Visual effects -> best performance
6. Don't install XP SP3

2009年3月10日 星期二

MSN shell, Messenger Plus! Live

msn plugins: MSN shell, Messenger Plus! Live ...

[Q] What's the difference between MSN shell and Messenger Plus Live?

aMsn, Ekiga, gtalk,

aMsn is developing new version to support voice call/video call.

Ekiga and gtalk adopt SIP?

2009年3月6日 星期五

pidgin and emesene

pidgin does not support voice/video call yet.[ http://www.pidgin.im/ ]

How about emesene? [ http://emesene-msn.blogspot.com/ ]

What kind of msn IM software is provided within eeePC?

2009年2月26日 星期四


pidgin(尚未支援 視訊影像, evolved from Gaim)
Kopete(for KDE)


Msn, Skype 音訊調整

Playback devices(speaker, 喇叭, ...)
Recording devices(microphone, Line, ...)

Normally, Playback devices shd not accept microphone as input,
otherwise, serious echo would occur to your listener.

按下(right-click) 選擇適當的裝置或混音設定

Windows Live Messenger 音訊視訊的設定

Windows Live Messenger 音訊視訊的設定 :
按下"?"icon -> show menu bar

Menu bar -> Tools -> Audio and video setup

Desktop version live messenger 與網頁版的有何不同?

[Q] Desktop version(桌上版) live messenger 與網頁版的有何不同?

MSN 的檔案傳送與接收安全性

Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner

Tools -> Options -> File Transfer ->

if "Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner" is not installed,
the button "Install" shd be enabled, press it to install
"Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner"

msn and skype

msn and skype 無法同時通話?

msn and skype 可否多方通話 能否插播?

echo cancelling done in the receiver side?