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2009年12月25日 星期五

How to tile fill a shape with another shape in Flash CS3?

[Q] How to tile fill a shape with another shape?

How to fill a shape with bmp in Flash CS3?

[Q] How to fill a shape with bmp in Flash CS3?

  • shift+F9 or Window --> Color to show the color control panel
  • the fill color selection within the "toolbox" and "properties" panel does not provide Bitmap fill option

[Q] 如何在Flash CS3中使用Bitmap Fill?

  • 按下shift+F9 或者 從主選單上 Window --> Color 將 color control panel 顯示出來

how to index text files of different encodings?

//=== txt files of utf-8/big5how to index? [Q] There are lots of text files to be indexed for search. Some of them are big5-encoded, some are utf8-encoded and some are ansi-encoded, etc.
How to index such files?

2009年12月17日 星期四

How to export blogspot articles??

[Q] How to export blogspot articles??

0. Login Blogger first.

1. Click Export Blog from the Settings Basic tab.

2. Finally, click the Export Blog button. You blog will be stored as a .xml file.



HPw185 LCD monitor 液晶螢幕的音量調整?

[Q] HPw185 LCD monitor 液晶螢幕的音量調整?

按螢幕右下角的 "-" 按鈕就會顯示OSD(on-screen display)的音量調整圖示
再按 "+" 或 "-" . 按右下角的"Menu" 按鈕就可離開.

[Q] How to adjust the volume of HPw185 LCD monitor?

[A] Press "-" button on the right bottom corner of the monitor.
The OSD will pop out on the screen. Then press "+" or "-" to increase/decrease the volume.
To exit the volume adjustment, press "Menu" button.

2009年12月9日 星期三

如何在UltradEdit Copy Hex Number?

  • You can use "HEX Copy Selected View" under HEX Functions in the Edit menu to do this.
  • Write a script
    if (UltraEdit.outputWindow.visible == false) { UltraEdit.outputWindow.showWindow(true);}
    var rsltStr = UltraEdit.getString("target string to find",1);


2009年12月5日 星期六

gmail 在ie8 用起來常會卡住

gmail 在ie8 用起來常會卡住 明明信箱裡只有兩三封信


  • Unable to load GoogleMail on IE 8.
  • Gmail doesn'tload properly until clicking view in basic HTML.
  • Even after adding gmail in "Compatibility View" List, the gmail page does not display correctly.
  • No problem when accessing Gmail by Firefox 3.5



start IE8 (WinXP SP3) in the "No Add-ons mode" by



[try3] 在以下兩種情況測試IE8:


  • Check the installed anti-virus application or security suite to see whether it is supported in IE8.
  • Check the anti-spyware applications and third-party firewall.
  • 安裝IE8時, 上述這些資安程式是否也正在執行?


2009年12月4日 星期五

檔案改名 rename file

在視窗圖形介面的檔案總管 按滑鼠右鍵 無法將 .htaccess.bak 改回 .htaccess

>rename ".htaccess.bak" ".htaccess"