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2015年5月6日 星期三

mysql apt repo

//=== http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-apt-repo-quick-guide/en/

Steps to add add the MySQL APT Repository

0. Go to the download page for the MySQL APT repository

1. Select and download the release package for your platform.
--> http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-apt-config_0.3.5-1ubuntu14.04_all.deb

2. Install mysql-apt-config_xxxx.deb

shell> sudo dpkg -i /PATH/platform-and-version-specific-package-name.deb

For version w.x.y-z of the package for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
$ sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.3.5-1ubuntu14.04_all.deb

3. Config options: You can choose none if you do not want a particular component to be installed.
After making the choices for all components, choose Apply to finish the installation of the release package.
(You can change config later)

4. $ sudo apt-get update

5. $ sudo apt-get install mysql-server (will upgrade if mysql already installed)

*** To see the packages you have installed from the MySQL APT repository,
$ dpkg -l | grep mysql | grep ii

//=== Replacing a Native Distribution of MySQL Using the MySQL APT Repository

You can replace a native distribution of MySQL installed
with a distribution from the MySQL APT repository in a few steps:

0. Backing Up Your Database
To avoid loss of data, always back up your database before trying to replace your MySQL installation using the MySQL APT repository. See Backup and Recovery for instructions.

1. Adding the MySQL APT Repository and Selecting a Release Series
Add the MySQL APT repository to your system's repository list and select the release series you want as above

2. Replacing the Native Distribution by an APT Update
By design, the MySQL APT repository replaces your native distribution of MySQL when you perform upgrades on the MySQL packages.

To perform the upgrades, just
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

* during upgrade, choose "K" to keep the existent config?

