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2015年4月23日 星期四

no check-in for git?

[Q] no check-in for git?

DVCS : distributed version control system

//=== http://superuser.com/questions/436347/git-process-could-anyone-please-explain-the-check-in-check-out-process

There really isn't a 'Check in Check out' process in Git. Those references are for Centralized VCS not Distributed.

... to physically 'see changes' on the remote side after a commit ... You need a hook to broadcast to the remote working directory to pull from the updated repo ...

... Git is an extremely powerful and robust DVCS ... However, you need to fully understand how it works to effectively use it.


*** Git magic:

*** Git for website management:

Initially, nothing on local machine:
$ git clone git@github.com: username/reponame.git

if a copy already exists [chk .git subfolder],
no need to clone again, just pull:
$ git pull origin master

//=== ??? to avoid cluttering the history with useless merges
$ git pull --rebase
$ git merge branchname --no-ff

//=== https://gittf.codeplex.com/
Git-TF is a set of cross-platform, command line tools that facilitate sharing of changes between Microsoft Team Foundation Server, Visual Studio Online and Git.

These tools make it easy to clone sources from TFS, fetch updates from TFS, and update TFS with changes committed locally in Git.

