$ swarm create
{token_id} --> unique id to identify the swarm cluster
$ swarm join token://{token_id} --addr=node_ip:port
--> add a docker node to the swarm cluster by its ip:port
[Q] where is the token service for storing the cluster id and member nodes' addresses ?
--> for the time being,
~/gocode/src/github.com/docker/swarm/discovery/token$ cat README.md
Docker Swarm comes with a simple discovery service built into the [Docker Hub](http://hub.docker.com)
The discovery service is still in alpha stage and currently hosted at `https://discovery-stage.hub.docker.com`
#####Create a new cluster
`-> POST https://discovery.hub.docker.com/v1/clusters (...)`
#####Add new nodes to a cluster
`-> POST https://discovery.hub.docker.com/v1/clusters/token (...)`
#####List nodes in a cluster
`-> GET https://discovery.hub.docker.com/v1/clusters/token`
#####Delete a cluster (all the nodes in a cluster)
`-> DELETE https://discovery.hub.docker.com/v1/clusters/token`
2015年3月24日 星期二
docker swarm token discovery service
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