it's possible to embed CSS style in blogger/blogspot
but needs to take care of several points:
- edit in "Edit Html" mode rather than "Compose" mode
- add "type" attribute into the style tag <style type="text/css" >
- remove the break tag(<br />) introduced during copy/paste
- "Preview" doesn't always reflect the effect of the embedded styles
在一連串的嘗試錯誤後 終於找出在Blogger/Blogspot中
加入<style >... </style> 的方式
有幾點容易出錯的地方 需要注意:
- 編輯模式最好選擇"Edit Html" 而非 "Compose"
- 在style tag 中加入 "type" 屬性(attribute), <style type="text/css" >
- 移除拷貝過程中引起的 break tag(<br />)
- 預覽模式"Preview" 不見得能反映所加入styles的效果