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2010年5月4日 星期二

smart card and private key

[Q] How can i dump out the private key if i own the pin number?
[Q] How does smart card prevent the private key frome being dumped out?
[Q] Smart card 如何防止 private key 被拷貝?
[Q] 如何告訴SmartCard 使用所儲存的private key 進行簽章?
[Q] How to sign a message with smartcard which internally compute the hash  and encrypt it with the private key ?

"... Vendors can define their own file format to optimize storage or processing efficiency. This key material should never be exported out of the ICC..."

PCSC v2.part8, http://www.pcscworkgroup.com/specifications/files/pcsc8_v2.01.01.pdf

