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2009年7月15日 星期三

System Error 85 for Windows

"System error 85 has occurred. The local device name is already in use" error message

"... For example, running the following sequence of commands in a logon script
net use r: /d
net use r: \\servername\share
net use r: /d
net use r: \\servername\share
The behavior does not occur for users with administrative privileges.

"... This error message persists for the particular drive letter in that particular Terminal Services session.
The same drive letter for other Terminal Services sessions may work as expected.
A different drive letter that is not typically used also works as expected.
The only way to correct the issue is to restart the Terminal Services-based system."

"...map network drives in a logon script via
Net use: \\server\folder /persistent:yes command.

After the first logon, the next consecutive logons prompt System error 85.
Is there a better way to re-map drives on each Logon?


