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2016年5月26日 星期四

cloud9, c9.io, sign-in with github account

//=== my cloud9 referral link
[my cloud9 referral link] https://c9.io/c/sRfbzoICcba

referring is much appreciated.

* sign-in with github account
Please create an account before signing in with github or bitbucket.

--> after sign-in,
Account --> connected services --> connect/disconnect github/bitbucket
(You can not unlink a service without a password set. Please set a password first!)

Dashboard --> Repositories
Dashboard --> Workspaces --> to see CPU/RAM/HDD quota

logout then login by clicking the "github cat icon"

* code anywhere

* free account quota
RAM : 512GB
Disk : 2GB

(These are the current limits for the free plan.
Premium users have bigger quotas.)

Account --> billing
You're using 1 premium workspaces.
∞ community workspaces [infinite community workspace ]
1 private workspace
community support

//=== font size
'gear' icon --> user settings --> terminal --> font size
'gear' icon --> user settings --> Code Editor--> font size


* private workspace
With our $39/month Medium plan,
you get access to 4GB of RAM and 40GB of disk space every month.
You now can have 4 workspaces with 1GB RAM and 10GB disk each or
8 workspaces with 512MB and 5GB disk - whatever fits your development requirements best.

* public workspace for free
Cloud9 community workspaces. You can create
as many of those for free and they have following specification:
512MB of RAM and 1GB(or 2GB?) of disk space.

Community workspaces are public and anyone will be able to join your coding experiments.

* SSH workspaces
this feature is enabled for all "commercial" plans.
With SSH workspaces you can connect your Cloud9 IDE directly to any machine,
e.g your own VPS


* Share your application

If you Run your application the result can be shared by copying the URL from the dialog. This URL can only be viewed if it's made Public by checking the "Public" checkbox next to the "Application" in the "Links to share" section.

People who have full read access to your workspace (as defined in the "Who has access") can view this URL whether it's public or not.

* Share a Preview
If you Preview a file in your application, it can be shared by copying the URL from the dialog. This URL can only be viewed if it's made Public by checking the "Public" checkbox next to the "Preview" in the "Links to share" section.

People who have full read access to your workspace (as defined in the "Who has access") can view this URL whether it's public or not.

This can be done by starting a small http server in that directory and make sure that the running application is public.

To make the running application public you have to click the "Share" button at the top right and then check "public" for application.

? To run the server open a terminal and do:
$ cd /dir/i/want/to/share
$ python3 -m http.server 8080

