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2015年7月16日 星期四

Tungsten Replicator for heterogeneous databases


*** All heterogeneous replication deployments use row-based replication.

Heterogeneous replication works slightly differently compared to the native MySQL to MySQL replication.
... The SQL dialects are different, so that an SQL statement on MySQL is not the same as an SQL statement on Oracle, and differences in the dialects mean that either the statement would fail, or would perform an incorrect operation.

On targets that do not support SQL of any kind, such as MongoDB, replicating SQL statements would achieve nothing since they cannot be executed at all.

All heterogeneous replication deployments therefore use row-based replication.
This extracts only the raw row data, not the statement information.
... raw-data, it can be easily re-assembled or constructed into another format,
including statements in other SQL dialects,
native appliers for alternative formats, such as JSON or BSON, or external CSV formats ...


* Native applier:
to replicate to MongoDB, data is reformatted into BSON and then applied to MongoDB
using the native insert/update/delete API calls.

