這兩個table頗像, 常搞混
fstab : filesystems table, 通常存在/etc/fstab or /etc/vfstab
mtab : mounted filesystems table, 通常存在/etc/mtab
根據wikipedia, 主要的差別在於mtab 只列出目前處於mounted狀態的裝置
而fstab 則列出所有可用的filesystems
有種說法 mtab 是 mount 這個命令參考fstab 執行後的結果 :
fstab -> mount -> mtab
那為何mtab中會出現 fstab中沒有的filesystem?
//=== 摘錄
"... the main distinction being that the latter lists all available filesystems whereas the former lists only currently mounted ones ..."
"... lists all available disks and disk partitions, and indicates how they are to be initialized or otherwise integrated into the overall system's file system..."
"... the options field simply contains a comma-separated list of options which will be passed directly to mount when it tries to mount the filesystem...."