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2010年7月15日 星期四

Notebook(laptop) keyboard trouble

筆電鍵盤 前一分鐘還是好好的 忽然出現奇怪的亂碼
中毒嗎 還是 鍵盤壞掉 ?
仔細觀察 左半邊正常 但按右半邊的字母則出現數字0,1,2,3 ...

NumLock的顯示燈 不過我的筆電鍵盤沒有?

The keyboard of my laptop suddenly went wrong and showed garbles.
Panic! Is it broken or my laptop is infected with virus?

After taking a close look, i discovered that the
left half of my keyboard worked normally but the
right half displayed only numbers(0,1,2,3,...) no matter which letters were pressed.

Ha! It is caused by my careless pressing of NumLock.
The indicator of NumLock is quite obscure on the small keyboard of laptop ...

